The Frost Foundation
New Mexico
Food Table
Kids in LA
Frost Emblem
Grant Application
To download a printable version of the Application Instructions (PDF), click here.
This application format has been developed to encourage careful thought and succinct language to describe your program. This approach will greatly assist us in giving thoughtful consideration to your proposal.
Please send original copy of a one-page summary of your proposal, plus seven (7) copies by your choice of deadline: December 1st for our March Board Meeting, or June 1st for our September Board Meeting. We cannot accept faxed summaries at this time. Proposals that arrive after the deadine will not be accepted, regardless of the post-mark date.
This one-page summary should include:
  • At the Top of the Page:
    1. Name, address, phone number and Project or your Executive Director.
    2. EIN (Employer Identification Number)
    3. Title of the specific project for which you are requesting funds.
    4. Total cost of the project and the amount requested from The Frost Foundation.
    5. If we have funded you before, include the original deadline date and amount requested.
    6. Names of your board of directors.
    7. Date of your last proposal, if any.

      In the Body of Summary

    8. Age of organization.
    9. Description of the need or problem to be addressed.
    10. Description of the project and its goals and/or objectives.
    11. Procedures used for planning and implementing the program.
    12. Estimated time for start-up and/or duration of the program.
    13. Qualified personnel to staff the program.
    14. Other proposed sources of funds.
    15. Plans for cooperation with other organizations, if any.
    16. Signature of your Chief Executive Officer.
If we continue to consider your proposal after review of your summary, we will request a full proposal within approximately eight weeks following your submission. This proposal, plus one copy, will be due in our office within nine weeks following your original submission deadline.
  • The Full Proposal must include:
    1. An expansion of the items described in questions 7-14 under the Body of Summary section on the previous page.
    2. A brief history of your organization and its purposes.
    3. Description of significant triage planning that you have done in response to changing financial times.
    4. Description of how you plan to evaluate your program.
    5. Budget for the program and an audited copy of your most recent financial statement.
    6. Resumes or descriptions of qualifications of personnel to be involved with the statement.
    7. A copy of your IRS determination letter 501 (c)(3).
    8. Any other materials you believe will more fully describe your project. (If videos are sent as a part of the supporting materials, they cannot be returned.)
    9. New Mexico organizations only - we are now requesting that all NM organizations submitting provide us with a copy of their New Mexico Attorney General's confirmation letter setting forth that the organization is current with its annual reporting requirements, or is exempt from the registration and reporting requirement. The NM Attorney General's telephone number is 505-490-4060.
Faxed submisions are not accepted.
The Foundation possesses all powers, rights, privileges, capacities, and immunities which nonprofit corporations are authorized to possess under the Constitution and Laws of Louisiana, and particularly under Title 12, Section 101 et seq., Louisiana Revised Statutes, and has been authorized to operate in New Mexico as a foreign corporation with the name of The Frost Foundation, Ltd.
Please send summaries and proposals to:
Mary Amelia Whited-Howell, President
The Frost Foundation, Ltd.
511 Armijo Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501