The Frost Foundation  
Louisiana 2012 Spring
  Wise Fool New Mexico 
Tenderlove Community Center
Albuquerque, New Mexico / $8,000
The title of our program is Creative Sewing
and Fashion Design, and is for homeless,
near-homeless and low-income women. The sewing-based curriculum allows women a sense of accomplishment while learning a marketable skill. The skills learned in sewing classes are transferable to other jobs and situations, making our students employable in the larger job market, and poised for success. We deeply believe that every person has a creative spark and developing that spark will bring confidence and a sense of purpose.
The New Mexico Adoption Exchange
Albuquerque, New Mexico / $5,000
Children who find loving and supportive adoptive homes are less vulnerable to poverty and exhibit better health outcomes, higher levels of education, and better overall well-being. The Adoption Exchange ‘s New Mexico Family Recruitment Program uses proven activities that result in finding more families for waiting children. We use outreach, education, and recruitment to find adoptive families for the longest-waiting children in the State’s foster care system. We aim to provide more services to families entering the foster care and adoption process and support them all the way through
to licensure.
Think New Mexico
Santa Fe, New Mexico / $20,000
Think New Mexico’s new initiative seeks to address the problems of health care affordability in New Mexico and its ongoing job crisis. High health care prices heavily burden families, especially as employers increasingly move to high-deductible insurance plans. Think New Mexico is developing a policy proposal that would require public reporting of common health care costs and quality on a user-friendly website. Think New Mexico is also working towards research, development, and raising awareness about policy reform proposals that address the root causes of these serious problems in the state.
Vietnam Project
Santa Fe, New Mexico/$1,000
(Discretionary Grant)
Wise Fool New Mexico /
Youth Movement Initiative
Santa Fe, New Mexico / $15,000
Wise Fool’s Circus Comes to School program is important to youth in Santa Fe because Santa Fe schools provide limited access to both arts and positive physical activity. Circus arts meet both these needs, providing students non-competitive physical challenge and self-expression through visual and performing arts. Circus Comes to School serves a 76% economically disadvantaged, 80% Hispanic or Native American, and 13% disabled population. The Circus Comes to School program is a cornerstone of Wise Fool’s Youth Movement initiative.
Youth Shelters and Family Services
Santa Fe, New Mexico / $10,000
There are youth in our community who are homeless, runway, or in-crisis. They need a safe place to stay where they have food, clothing, and crisis intervention services. Our Youth Emergency Shelter serves these youth, ages 10-17, so they can achieve safety, stability, and sustained and appropriate housing. Our programs and services are clinical, evidence-based, rooted in trauma-informed care, and reflect national best practices in the field.
The Hopi School, Inc.
Hotevilla, Arizona/$2,000
(Discretionary Grant)